You Could Call Me A Social Media Influencer


At the beginning of the semester I had 56 followers and now I have 80 which I think was done through hashtags and tagging influencers. My Klout score also grew from 19 to 29 which means my tweets have been impacting more people and reaching a wider audience. My most engaging tweets were those that used current and specific hashtags to bring in a specific audience. I also was able to get more engagement when interacting with a somewhat influential account. My top tweets were centered around a community and were able to reach them through my tags. I also realized that any sort of media whether it be a gif, picture, or video caused more engagement in a tweet. I think this is because viewers want something they can further relate to and they enjoy the creativity behind different media. It is all about targeting the right people in order to grow your followers. Instead of reaching for the people with millions of followers, I found that I needed to relate to the smaller influencers that were more likely to engage back with me.



Tweet 1:

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I think this had the most engagement because it was my most relatable post for a very large community. By using the hashtag Lactoseintolerant, I was able to connect with users that experience the same thing. After tagging Lactaid, they ended up retweeting me and replying which gave me an even bigger chance to engage with users.


Tweet 2:

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By engaging with a popular musician on Twitter I was able to engage with other fans. I got one like on the tweet but I made 501 impressions just based on the fact that it was a busy page and people were looking through the comments.


Tweet 3:

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Syracuse had a weird winter so I thought I would document it on Twitter. I used a new hashtag as well as a used one in order to draw in an audience. By using a gif, I was able to get more engagement because I found that people like the addition of media in a tweet. I got a total of one like and one retweet on this tweet but had 13 engagements.


Tweet 4:

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I shared a periscope of an active lava lake with my followers and actually ended up getting retweeted and liked by the people who made the video. This created for more engagement on not only my tweet but on my profile.


Tweet 5:

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I tweeted the Periscope I made using hashtag related to food. While I didn’t get any likes on the tweet I had a lot of people watch the video ending with 108 viewers.


Tweet 6:

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This was my first tweet for class so I was able to engagement from other students exploring the class hashtag. I also included my teacher in the tweet who has a large following and by getting her like I was able to then connect with her followers.


Tweet 7:

I shared this moment just a few hours after Serena Williams’ pregnancy was announced so I knew it was a trending topic. I took advantage of the hashtag which was everywhere on people’s newsfeed because I knew people were trying to find out more information about the subject.


Tweet 8:

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I took a common trend, social media, and brought it in a new way to Twitter. By posting a video of someone failing at taking a picture of themselves I was able to connect with those who may have experienced this before. The video also made the tweet more engaging because there was something for my followers to click on and view.


Tweet 9:

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I tweeted at another classmate who I had previously had class with and involved the Newhouse hashtag to bring other people into the conversation. You always have classes with the same people in Newhouse so I knew that this would be a relatable topic.


Tweet 10:

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Like I said earlier, I tried documenting the Syracuse weather on Twitter. Whenever the sun came out I thought I would share with the rest of the community but I also tried to get the West Coast involved too because that’s where I am from.



Before this course, I didn’t realize how much thought was put into a social media campaign and what it was like to use social media in a professional setting. This class taught me useful tools such as TweetDeck and Twitter Analytics. It also taught me how to create a campaign on Twitter in order to promote tweets. I wasn’t comfortable using Twitter before I took this class but now I know what ingredients make for a good tweet. Learning how to use the proper hashtags and knowing who to target is something I got out of this class that I didn’t know coming into it. Social media is a growing industry and every company is looking for people with these skills.

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