Once Upon a Time

“Once upon a time…” you have definitely heard that phrase once or twice. It is always the beginning of what seems to be an interesting and exciting story and just with that you have opened the doors of imagination to a story that only you have the power of deciding its fate. How interesting it […]

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What Makes a Good Story?

Every story – no matter what the medium – needs the essentials: characters, a setting, a beginning, middle, end, plot line, etc. A good story is one where those essentials interact together seamlessly, playing together, to bring you into the story world. Depending on the medium, there are more essentials that may need to be incorporated into […]

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Experience the News

When I hear the term “good story” I do not think of just one specific news article that informed the public about an event really well. I think of a good story to be one told by the compilation of news articles, TV news coverage, and social media coverage (from news outlets and the public) […]

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Storytelling in the Digital Age

Over the summer I came across a piece in The New Yorker about the story of Kalief Browder. The writer, Jennifer Gonnerman, had reported on the life of this young man– who spent three years on Rikers Island without any conviction of a crime– before his tragic suicide in July of 2015. Even without following Browder’s story prior […]

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