How Does Music Fit into Social Media?

Some think social media are simply annoying posts on Facebook or Twitter, I think of it as a grander platform for connecting individuals and sharing experiences. Social media are able to provide an interconnected network similar to the one depicted in the book, Rewire by Ethan Zuckerman that I touched on here: Pretty amazing how our interconnectivity […]

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Sink, swim or float

It feels weird to say this, but social media are a part of every relationship in my life. On Facebook, I keep tabs on faraway friends and family. On Instagram and Tumblr, I’m able to reinvigorate my creative side and find inspiration – I guess this would be my relationship with myself and the outside […]

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How The SARS Epidemic Translated Into The Budding Seed Of Viral Internet Communication

When the SARS epidemic started between 2002-2003, it spread rapidly throughout different countries and infected so many people. It was fatal because it was an airbourne disease and could spread from person to person by so much as sharing the same breathing space. What I find to be so interesting, is the fact that this […]

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Social Media and Relationships

Modern social media includes a wide variety of outlets and technologies which allow us to connect with the world. Many of these technologies are easily and readily accessible via apps on the smartphones constantly glued to our hands. My personal favorite social media platforms are Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, and while I have Facebook and […]

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