Modern Social media impact on relationships

Aziz Ansar in his book Modern Romance focuses a lot on the effect that technology has had on modern day romantic relationships, and starts his 6th chapter with this statement “The advent of smartphones and the Internet means that our romantic lives now inhabit two worlds: the real world and our phone world.” Though I agree that technology has impacted the way we flirt, pursue, and engage in romantic relationships, I also believe this doesn’t just apply to romantic relationships. All of our inter-personal relationships have adapted and changed with the introduction of the Internet.

The world is a smaller place because of technology and this can be an amazing thing when it comes to stopping diseases quicker, like Zuckerman’s example in Rewire, or it can do things like complicate our social lives.

An example of how social media has impacted my relationships personally was my freshman year at Syracuse. Like lots of freshman experience, I was lost and alone at first. Yet everyone else seemed to be having an amazing time via social media. What I learned with time and age and after finding my place, was that I wasn’t alone in feeling like I was missing something. Social media was making my friends lives look amazing because they were only posting the good stuff. Social media has made the world a smaller place in an amazing way, and has also changed the way we interact greatly both for the better and occasionally not, but in all it has become a huge part of our lives and our relationships.




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