Bollywood= Hollywood + Bombay, Right?
We’ve all heard of Bollywood. But did you know that India had quite a lot of other ‘woods’ as well? Find out how the Hindi film industry got its name.
Read more "Bollywood= Hollywood + Bombay, Right?"We’ve all heard of Bollywood. But did you know that India had quite a lot of other ‘woods’ as well? Find out how the Hindi film industry got its name.
Read more "Bollywood= Hollywood + Bombay, Right?"Based on my own experience, I found three main differences. Americans don’t kiss each other to say hello, dancing is different (not much in couples) and they are really independent. But of course, all of these are stereotypes after all and after some weeks I found that there are many Americans who hug and kiss, […]
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Read more "What’s the difference between soul food and southern food?"