90 days of Twitter growth

Over the past several months, my Twitter following has seen a lot of growth. I started COM 427: “Social Media for Communicators,” with just 16 followers. I am finishing the class with 91 followers and gaining every day. My Klout score increased from 16.11 to 34.95. I think this is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, I was fairly new to Twitter when the class started so I spent the class finding my voice on the platform and discovering what kind of content did well. I also think the growth could come as a result of simply tweeting more.

Here are some of my most successful tweets from the semester and why I think they worked.


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This was a quick spur of the moment tweet. I think this was successful because it is a snapshot of me making fun of myself. At the time, most of my followers were my friends and they all knew I was new to social media. Therefore, I think this probably gave them a bit of a chuckle, laughing at me and my lack of understanding of Twitter.

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Media engagements 7
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Profile clicks 1


This succeeded for a number of reasons. I think people still find Gifs a novelty when they aren’t being posted by Buzzfeed or a different media outlet. It features a friend of mine that works at the DO. At the time of posting most of my followers worked for the DO only so they retweeted a Gif of a friend.

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Total engagements 5
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Media engagements 2

One of my earlier horsey tweets. I think this did well because tweets with media of some sort are always more successful than those without.The generic #horses has worked for me on Instagram in the past so I tried it here and I think it helped.

Total engagements 39
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Media engagements 12
Likes 6
Hashtag clicks 3
Link clicks 2
Replies 1
Retweets 1

I think this tweet worked because I tweeted it as so many people. The picture itself is pretty cool because it is in the dome. This did well because it was seen by DO alumni and reminded them of a fun event they went to when at SU.

Total engagements 24
Media engagements 11
Profile clicks 4
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Retweets 2
Link clicks 1

This did well because it is a cool picture. Nearly every time I tweet a decent picture of the horses, tweet it at someone and use a hashtag, I get a few likes or retweets. This furthers my point that good media always works and the more people or hashtags you involve, the more likely it is to get attention.

Total engagements 16
Votes 11
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Hashtag clicks 1
Profile clicks 1

This poll was not as large as I had hoped but it still reached 10 voters. The current event theme of the election meant that it was timely and people had an opinion. Then the question was simple with a hint of humor so people didn’t have to think about their answer, they could vote and scroll onwards.

Total engagements 20
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Media engagements 4
Likes 3
Profile clicks 2
Replies 1

I think this tweet got a few likes because it was a silly pun and bad jokes always sell. This tweet reminds me that I should tweet more jokes because they usually do quite well.

Total engagements 220
Media engagements 89
Detail expands 77
Likes 27
Profile clicks 14
Retweets 9
Replies 1
Follows 1
Link clicks 1
Hashtag clicks 1

This is my most successful tweet ever. This worked for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is a really cool picture of a very famous rider. The picture is unique in that no one else was able to get the exact angle and lighting I had. I tweeted it at the organizers of the event who then retweeted it. Following that, many more people retweeted and quote tweeted it, creating a large reach. It was even retweeted in Australia. This tweet grew my follower base white a bit and carried a bit of buzz over to my next tweet.

Total engagements 111
Media engagements 69
Detail expands 29
Likes 8
Profile clicks 3
Replies 1
Retweets 1

This tweet was successful following the one before it that generated a lot of buzz. A few of the same users liked and retweeted this one, showing me how carrying a theme often works. This gained me several new followers when the subject of the photo retweeted it. The event in Miami grew my horsey follower base. This was important to me because I want to work with horses after I graduate so it is creating connections for me.

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Total engagements 13
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Media engagements 4
Retweets 2
Likes 2

This tweet took a long time to get any attention but after several days, the subject of the video retweeted it. She doesn’t log into twitter often but once she shared it, it got a little more interest. I contacted by a riding company that is starting a website about whether they can use some of my images from Miami based of this tweet.



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