The meme that went “kind of” viral


  • Gain over 500 views on Imgur – Check
  • Get 3-5 new followers on Twitter – Fail
  • Earn at least 400 impressions on Twitter – Check
  • Earn 5+ engagements on Twitter – Check




The most effective way for my meme to get views on Imgur was through my initial posting with the Imgur tags. It instantly took off with a couple hundred views of people simply scrolling through their feeds of the popular hashtags I used like “funny” and “meme.” However, my meme got down voted by a couple people right off the bat, and I think that hurt its performance long-term in Imgur. In addition to that, I received some comments that weren’t necessarily attacking me, but rude in general from the public. I realize that using a meme with any kind of a political figure in it is sure to cause controversy, but it may have hurt my final view count; I have no way of knowing if this is actually the case though.

My Twitter card engagement was acceptable as well because I far outpaced the amount of impressions and engagement I thought I’d see from Twitter. The $5 spent went a long ways and definitely helped me reach my final total of 420 views. I promoted my meme on Twitter throughout the week, but didn’t see much success or engagement from my many attempts to drive traffic to my meme.

Going in, I thought Reddit might help me a out a bit with views, but it turned out to be relatively useless in terms of driving people to my meme. Utilizing effective hashtags on both Imgur and Twitter were without a doubt, the most helpful to my viral meme campaign.


Final engagement number: 420

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