Trending Topic Analysis: Paris Fashion Week

Paris Fashion week 2019 occured on September 23rd to October 1st. This dedicated week consisted of a series of designers sharing new and upcoming fashion collections in Paris, France.

To analyze Paris Fashion Week on Twitter we created a boolean search which follows: (“Paris Fashion Week” AND “Paris Fashion” AND “PFW”) AND NOT “New York”.

Here are our results:


We learned that Paris Fashion Week was trending at its peak on September 25th at around 8-8:15pm. However, as the week progressed we noticed a pattern which showed it trending mostly at later hours of the night, after the respected shows of the day. 


We also learned the most prominent words associated with Paris Fashion week were words such as Laurent, a luxury fashion brand and Gigi/Bella Hadid who were some of the most famous models walking in many of the Paris Fashion Week shows. PFW was also a popular abbreviation in all tweets as the universal hashtag for Paris Fashion Week was, #PFW.


This graph helped us to understand that words such as Paris Fashion and Week were key words strongly related to the search query, hence the bolded lines. However, words such as blackpink and celine are associated by dotted lines connecting to week to show a lower strength of association between the words in the search query.


We also discovered that the most used hashtag #PFW, was seen in 27.1% of tweets out of 21.1k twitter mentions about Paris Fashion Week. The least used hash tag was #lisa, referring to a South Korean popstar who attended multiple shows. 


Lastly, we found through our research that the image above was the most retweeted tweet during PFW, with 6.5k retweets, referring to Lisa, South Korean pop star who atrracted large crowds at many shows. This was surpising due to the fact that #lisa was the least used hashtag all week as mentioned previously. 


Marissa Levine and Hannah Korman

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