In effort to become a superior social media communicator, I created a professional Twitter account: @AlenaZappa
Before driving influence, I needed to grow my network.
Initial follower #: 1
Follower # to date: 23
Percent growth: 2200%
To increase my influence, I followed fellow social media communicators. These users are Newhouse and COM 427 students who use the platform to post and engage in socially relevant content. Post follow, I liked some of their tweets to show interest in their profile, and (like clockwork) Twitter would hit me with the “new follower” notification.
While I attracted followers with this strategy, I should have engaged with users outside of the Newhouse network. By expanding this plan of action, Twitter would have sent more “new follower” notifications, and I would have escalated my influence.
Although I can continue to grow my network, I clutched a strong Twitter following. With the use of entertaining and enlightening content, I allured my audience to interact with my profile.
To see my impact, check out my top 10 tweets:
10. Every Time the Crew Goes to @Cheesecake
- impressions: 268
- total engagements: 13
everytime the crew goes to @Cheesecake #lol #meme #cheesecake #cheesecakefactory #decisions
— Alena Zappa (@AlenaZappa) November 9, 2019
Syracuse students love ordering from Cheesecake but not without spending way too much time looking at the menu. I created this tweet to promote my “Cheesecake Factory Panic Attack” meme. I included the Imgur link so followers can click through to see the meme. To reach my audience in a moment of receptivity, this tweet went out on a Saturday (a day when my followers likely go out to eat). Overall, this tweet received 2 likes and 1 retweet.
9. Fall’s Must Watch List
- impressions: 269
- total engagements: 8
tune in to this fall's must watch list #NHsmc
— Alena Zappa (@AlenaZappa) November 1, 2019
Need a new series to take up your time? This tweet features a link to The New York Times review of the top shows coming to TV this season. I included the link to engage my avid binge-watcher audience. By tweeting on November 1st and sharing the “must-watch list” article, I gave my followers the opportunity to click through and start watching a new series this fall.
8. Greatest Girl Scout Cookie
- impressions: 320
- total engagements: 5
greatest girl scout cookie #NHsmc:
— Alena Zappa (@AlenaZappa) October 11, 2019
One box of each please. For this tweet I used twitter poll to determine which Girl Scout cookie my followers deem the greatest. Thin Mint won at whopping 75%. In the end this tweet earned 1 like.
7. Brunch Beats Lunch
- impressions: 351
- total engagements: 22
what's up with brunch #NHsmc #brunchbeatslunch
— Alena Zappa (@AlenaZappa) October 11, 2019
Avocado toast tastes way better at brunch. This tweet features a Google analytics poll that compares searches for brunch compared to lunch. I used the hashtag “brunch beats lunch” to indicate my preference for brunch. The tweet earned 2 likes and a reply from @jmgrygiel.
- impressions: 390
- total engagements: 4
#ICYMI Marshall Street Starbucks is closed until October 12th. So, on behalf of my fellow mobile order regulars: @Starbucks Syracuse students miss you
#starbucks #mobileorder #NHsmc
— Alena Zappa (@AlenaZappa) October 7, 2019
Syracuse students without Starbucks are a sight to see. I tweeted this #ICYMI while students pained the extended closure of the Starbucks on Marshall Street. To engage the regular mobile orderers, I included the reopening date and the hashtag “mobile order.” The image comes from one of my earlier tweets that features a Starbucks/Dunkin standoff. The tweet earned 3 likes.
5. Engaging Influencer @AIMEESONG
- impressions: 471
- total engagements: 11
Hey @AIMEESONG! As an advertising student, I love your influencer presence across social platforms. From author to designer to blogger you seriously know how to inspire. And of course – love to see your line on Revolve. The Indra Mini Dress? I'm obsessed. #SongofStyle #NHsmc
— Alena Zappa (@AlenaZappa) October 6, 2019
Author, designer and blogger? Now that’s an influencer. In this tweet, I started a conversation with fashion designer and social media influencer Aimee Song. I applauded her work ethic and mentioned one of my favorite items from her Song of Style line. Engaging Influencer @AIMMESONG earned 1 like.
4. Newhouse Network ft. @DanGurewitch
hey @DanGurewitch! from a fellow Newhouse student I just wanted to say congrats on your Emmy! and p.s. – you kill the twitter game. social media may be weird, but bless that the twitter sphere gets to hear your humor. #NewhouseNetwork #NHsmc
— Alena Zappa (@AlenaZappa) October 6, 2019
Nothing like engaging with an Emmy award winning Newhouse alum to earn some engagement. In this tweet, I reached out to writer for “Last Week Tonight” with John Oliver and Orange Mafia member Dan Gurewitch. I praised Gurewitch’s Twitter humor, and he hit me back with a like. Interacting with Gurewitch generated 3 likes.
3. Starbucks vs. Dunkin
- impressions: 822
- total engagements: 12
starbucks or dunkin? #moot #NHsmc
— Alena Zappa (@AlenaZappa) October 2, 2019
Square up coffee cups. To spark debate and highlight the ever-lasting competition between Starbucks and Dunkin, I tweeted this photo with the trending hashtag “moot” (moot: subject to debate). This tweet received 1 like and reached several Twitter eyeballs for its use of a trending hashtag.
2. Taco Tuesday Gif
- impressions: 861
- media views: 72
- total engagements: 12
impatiently awaiting my tacos like:#TacoTuesday #guac #sexinthecity #NHsmc
— Alena Zappa (@AlenaZappa) September 24, 2019
It’s Tuesday and everyone’s in need of taco. But how does one wait for their favorite Mexican fix? Chips and guac. This tweet features an original gif of Miranda from the hit series Sex in City. She dips a chip into a hearty helping of guac and stuffs it into her mouth. I used fitting hashtags to engage my network on a day when users tweet about tacos. Overall, this tweet earned 3 likes and 1 retweet.
1. Last Night @Cheesecake
- impressions: 1,841
- total engagements: 27
last night @Cheesecake #cheesecakefactory #menu #dinnerdecisions #overwhelmed #NHsmc #NHsmcviralcontent #fall2019
— Alena Zappa (@AlenaZappa) November 4, 2019
The twitter sphere can relate to the struggle of having to choose from over 250 items on The Cheesecake Factory menu. This tweet promotes my “Cheesecake Factory Panic Attack” meme with a link to Imgur and clever hashtags. By tagging The Cheesecake Factory Twitter account, the restaurant responded to my tweet asking if I saved room for dessert. The tweet received a total of 3 likes and made Last Night @Cheesecake my #1 tweet.
Although I recently launched my professional twitter account, I expanded my network and started influencing. I earned substantial impressions by engaging with verified twitter accounts, including intriguing images, and utilizing creative copy. After analyzing my top 10 tweets, I can confidently @AlenaZappa is a superior social media communicator.