Influence Growth & Analysis

PART 1: INFLUENCE When first starting this course, I was not actively using Twitter. For the class, I decided to use a Twitter (@katelhirsch) account that had a very low amount of followers. I started the class with 1 follower and ended with 18 followers. After calculating the percentage of growth, I ended up growing […]

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Are You Obsessed With This Secret?

While searching the hashtag #secretobsession on Twitter,  it was interesting to read about people’s opinions regarding this Netflix horror film starring Brenda Song. After I watched Secret Obsession, I had a love-hate relationship with it. It seemed as if the horror turned into exhilarating humor due to the overdramatized acting and predictable ending. As seen […]

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Did The World Know That Stacey Dillsen Successfully Bought Cotton Swabs For 50% Off At CVS?

Objective: My objective for the viral content challenge was to ultimately obtain over 500 views of my meme on Imgur. Background: This meme refers to Stacey Dillsen from Zoey 101, someone who is infamously remembered on the show to be funny, a little quirky, and OBSESSED with cotton swabs. Everything she does on the show […]

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