The Facebook Problem

A lot of people think that Facebook has problems, when in reality the world has a Facebook problem. Facebook’s prominence in world affairs has recently stirred a lot of conversation about their responsibility to the truth and to what is right. While these arguments have good intentions, they give Facebook too much credit. Facebook does […]

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Llama Boy

The objectives of the Llama Boy campaign included garnering 500+ views across platforms (especially imgur) and 10+ RTs and 40 likes (total) on twitter.  The following image shows the original tweet:

Upon the first tweet, I received 12 likes. I retweeted this tweet 3 times over the next few days and ended up with a total of 24 likes. This self-promotion seems to not work in getting retweets, but accrues a few likes each time. I tried to play around with the original editorial calendar and switch up the time of day for each retweet, but none of the responses stood out as better than any other. Here is the imgur version of the meme:

Llama Boy

The meme overachieved on imgur, getting more than 500 views. I used the hashtags #Llama, #Farm, #Boy, #Meme and #Couple the first time I shared it to the community. This got the meme up to about 200 views. I then changed the hashtags to the current set up, which quickly pushed me over the edge for the goal of 500+ views across platforms.

My Instagram posts yielded almost nothing, which makes sense considering it is a small, private account. I think the lack of success on twitter can be attributed to only supplying the meme with the text over it. I definitely think the meme is customizable and better copy for the image is possible, but I only put out the version I made and not the original picture. The hashtags on imgur are very influential for getting views, especially for memes like this. Most of my success came from strategically changing those and sharing to the community.

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Healthcare, Politics, Healthcare and Politics

Andy Slavitt served as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under President Obama late in his presidency. Earlier this year, he launched an initiative called The United States of Care (USoC). Slavitt’s team promotes USoC via #HealthcareOverPolitics. Here is my column on the background on why we launched @USofCare today. It’s to put #healthcareoverpolitics […]

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