Healthcare, Politics, Healthcare and Politics

Andy Slavitt served as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under President Obama late in his presidency. Earlier this year, he launched an initiative called The United States of Care (USoC). Slavitt’s team promotes USoC via #HealthcareOverPolitics.

He gained support from people across the political spectrum, including United States Senators,

and celebrities active on political twitter:

However, progressive groups across the country called Slavitt and USoC out for its centrist values.

They took issue with the way USoC positioned itself against the growing campaign for Medicare for All (which is also an interesting hashtag to follow).

This lead to a lot of disagreements in tweets and threads under the original hashtag:

Here’s a bonus perspective on United States of Care and #HealthcareOverPolitics from a progressive healthcare expert:

Follow this hashtag more for insight into the disconnect between the center and left wings of the democratic party.

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