Top 10

Coming in at number 10, What was your favorite super bowl commercial? This one was up there for me #NHsmc — Michael Barth (@Mwbarthsyr) February 8, 2016 This was part of the A/B testing assignment and this tweet was my B tweet. It was right after the Super Bowl and I found an ad […]

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Trump In Buffalo

Donald Trump has been one of the most polarizing figures in the history of American politics. His presence in every city he campaigns in is always a cause for debate, and today it was announced that the head coach of the Buffalo Bills, Rex Ryan, will be introducing Trump at his rally in the city. […]

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Social Media and Relationships

The question of how Social Media are impacting our relationships doesn’t have a conclusive answer. On one hand if you ask someone like me who has grown up with social media, I have mixed feelings about it. I think we rely on social media too much instead of making actual conversations and having face to […]

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