
#NYC you fuckin blew it!! #UpstateNY was #feelingthebern you let us fellow new yorker down… #NYPrimary #HillaryClinton — charlie camp (@coolhandschuck) April 22, 2016 It tickles me that Berners still insist that #Bernie has more "enthusiastic" voters and "momentum" after losing #NYPrimary — Jeanne K. (@SnarkAmendment) April 21, 2016 There's no enthusiasm for Hillary. Righhhhht. […]

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Look Mom, I’m an Influencer!

I’ve grown a lot as a Twitter user over the course of the semester, and as my comfort level and usage increased, so has my influence. I began the semester with 68 followers hoping to reach 100 by the end of the semester. I achieved that goal and currently have 104 followers. It helped that […]

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View post on imgur.com View post on imgur.com We analyzed #Oscarssowhite. There was a spike in conversation about this topic between January 12th – 16th, because the Oscar nominees were announced on January 14th. Many people were using the words Oscars, black, white, Hollywood, diversity, academy, nominations, actors and snub. Most of the conversation around the […]

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