Be Careful When Memeing Your Dad…


You don’t need prior knowledge or context to understand this tweet, but there is sort of a meme frame of younger people’s parents dressing up as them in a joking way or recreating their social media posts, so this meme kind of plays off of that.



  • One objective for this campaign was to reach 500 views of my meme on Imgur, as per the assignment.
  • Personally, I thought this tweet could honestly actually go viral, so I thought reaching over 1000 or 1500 views would be a good goal. I have a pretty large network on social media (organization and club Facebook groups, for instance) that I thought will make it easy to get the 500 views, so I wanted to shoot for 100.
  • Additionally, my original meme that I thought I would use for this got a lot of engagement (56.3% impression rate), so another goal for this tweet is to get an engagement higher than 56.3%



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I will be completely honest in that I did not run a campaign for this meme. I posted it early on a Monday, and within an hour, it had thousands of views. If I recall, I think it had over 50k views by six hours. Because of its immediate popularity, I didn’t really need to have a campaign because views from my 200 followers would be kind of trivial at that point. Additionally, the actual content of the meme made the post kind of controversial.

If I could analyze anything, it would be that. I posted this meme on Twitter days before I did on Imgur, and it did really well on Twitter. For the most part, people liking it and retweeting it were friends and acquaintances, and it got a lot of likes and retweets. Some people responded with how funny it was because a lot of them know the dynamic I have with my dad.

This was not the case on Imgur. Revealing clothing and a father cross-dressing in revealing clothing is a perfect recipe for weird comments, which is pretty much why it got so popular so quickly. The comments were not totally awesome to read, so I got a cool real-life experience in dealing with internet hate/shaming which I think is good for me.



Views: 92,978
Upvotes: 3,190
Downvotes: 83
Comments: 164

Likes: 235
Retweets: 21
Impressions: 14,7511
Engagements: 5,084
Engagement Rate: 34.5%

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