As many know from checking any of their social channels, this past weekend was Coachella. While #Coachella trended on Twitter throughout the weekend, social conversation centered around two performances in particular: the Walmart yodel kid and the highly anticipated performance of Beyonce. While yodel kid’s performance was universally praised, Beyonce’s performance sparked an internet debate.
The majority of Tweets praised Queen B for the cultural impact of her Historically Black Universities and Colleges (HBCU) themed performance. Many were thrilled of her use of the stage to comment on her role as the first black woman to headline Coachella.
So @Beyonce is the first Black woman to headline #Coachella! …and she did it while giving us #HBCU football game feels!
Nice touch. #ForTheCulture
— Tamara (@nusoul2012) April 16, 2018
Beyond the cultural message, some were fascinated by the incredible fashion of her two hour long set, which included five costume changes.
Slay Queen slay! Beyonce really nailed it with her five custom Balmain outfits at Coachella this year. She made another fashion history again. #Beychella #Coachella
— Dean Hall (@DeanHallStyle) April 16, 2018
Some just wanted to share how the show changed their life.
Chile! If Beyoncé’s performance at Coachella does not want to make you change your life! Then I simply do not know what will! Feeling pumped! #MondayMotivation #Beychella #Coachella #DreamBig #changeyourlife #youcandoit
— Michelle K. (@lucyvanpelt713) April 16, 2018
However, some did not have the same positive feelings toward the performance. Many were tired of the Twitter frenzy over her set.
I'm tired of hearing about @Beyonce at #Coachella. Everyone acts like her performance cured the common cold #overrated #shesjustanentertainer #sheisoutforherself
— Sandra C. (@missroseblue) April 16, 2018
Please stop making beychella trend. Both so highly overrated! #beyonce #coachella #OVERRATED
— Huddii (@OheyHudaa) April 15, 2018
Some even wished they could mute all Beyonce conversation.
I'll be glad when you stop talking about #beyonce at #Coachella
— Villain (@ContakZ) April 16, 2018
Regardless of your opinion on Beyonce, one thing is certain, being the first African American female to headline a festival that has historically had issues with appropriative fashion and a lack of diversity is an impressive feat. #GoQueenB