Growing Pains

Throughout the work in my Social Media Class, my twitter follower count increased from 34 to 115 (+238%). My clout score in the last 90 days increased from 18 to 40 (+122%). This was no easy task. It took trial and error, a few A/B tests and lots of failed tweets. I found that the […]

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My Talents, In Ten Tweets

After a semester spent in #NHsmc, not only has my knowledge base of Twitter and social media as a whole grown, but my following has grown as well. I started the semester with 14 Twitter followers. Now, 15 some odd weeks later I have 66 Twitter followers – that’s roughly a 288% increase. With this […]

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Influencer/Top 10

From when we started this class at the end of August until now, my Twitter follower growth has grown.  I started with 517 followers, and I ended with 523 followers.  That is a gain of 6 followers.  Although this is a small number, it shows that me being back on Twitter after taking a long […]

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Twitter Influencer

Influence: I started my social media class with 70 followers on Twitter and after only 3 months, the number increased a 49% to 104 followers. As well, I started with a Klout score of 18 and it escalated to 49, which means a rise in 172%. View post on I noticed that the posts that […]

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My Twitter Semester

At the beginning of the semester and before my social media crash course, I had only 103 followers on Twitter. I went on maybe once a week and never tweeted anything. I wouldn’t follow me either. At the end of the semester I’ve grown my follower count to 134 ( a 30.1% increase) and grown […]

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