It’s difficult to find conflicting views on hashtags – many are created with the purpose to share an idea with a group of people, usually who have the same idea. You won’t find many Bernie Sanders haters on the #FeeltheBern tag, so in order to find opposing views in a single hashtag, I needed to look for a neutral tag and found #Election2016.
Some people have been waiting since 3am to see @realDonaldTrump get the latest at noon! @47abc #Election2016
— Jobina Fortson (@JobinaFortson) April 22, 2016
Here, Jorbina Fortson is reporting on how people are lining up to see Donald Trump at a rally. Their stance is pretty neutral and they’re reporting facts, not an opinion on whether they support Trump or not.
Does the art of the deal include not showing up and then whining about the result? Inquiring minds want to know. #cruzcrew #election2016
— Wendy Day (@WendyLynnDay) April 16, 2016
Here, Wendy Day is an avid supporter of Ted Cruz and uses the hashtag #cruzcrew to show her support for Cruz along with the #Election2016 hashtag.
Feisty #Election2016 Analysis
If Trump is nominee, we lose
If Cruz is nominee, we win
If neither, we lose & GOP is done
— Feisty
Floridian (@peddoc63) April 15, 2016
Feisty Floridian uses the hashtag #ChooseCruz, which I find interesting because Wendy day uses #CruzCrew, which makes me think there isn’t a unified hashtag for the Cruz campaign, unlike Bernie Sander’s #FeeltheBern tag or Hilary Clinton’s #ImWithHer tag.
Trump Rally @Grand Central ..feel free to come on down #ShutDownTrump #Election2016
— Mia Y Anderson (@actressnoir) April 14, 2016
Mia Y Anderson uses both the #ShutDownTrump and the #Election2016 tag.
#Bernie2016 #Election2016 #Hillary2016
— #CaucusForBernie (@Iowa4BS_2016) April 13, 2016
#cnn is #biased and trying to anoint #Billary. #Vote in #Election2016 for #Bernie #NYC #NewYork #NewYork
— Lobo (@L0b0fin0) April 13, 2016
Lobo is also dissatisfied with what they call #Billary. They use a picture to call out #CNN, and use many hashtags to engage with their followers. It’s interesting that they chose to use the hashtag #Bernie instead of #FeeltheBern, which is much more popular.