Farewell American Idol #IdolFinale

It’s the end, the season finale, the final one. American Idol has ran strong for 15 seasons! It has had it’s ups and downs, a great deal of drama and scandal, and it’s fair share of judges. However, above all American Idol started a trend that was and still is greatly supported by the hopes of those performing and those watching. A greater platform could not have been made for dreams to be conquered and fears to be overcome.

Kelly Clarkson was the very first winner of American Idol and many hope that it is La’Porsha herself, that is the very last winner.

Of course, there are those who are rooting for Trent Harmon to win the finale.

Both great performers with amazing voices…and stories that leave us breathless.

It’s down to the final two…

I look forward to the final performance. An incredible ending awaits us as we say our final goodbye to American Idol.

One thought on “Farewell American Idol #IdolFinale

  1. When I originally clicked on this story I thought it was going to be about people being happy or sad that it was ending only, but I’m interested to see that people were posting for certain people to win. What a great way to look at it.

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