Going Viral

Marketing Objectives

Coming into this campaign, I knew I couldn’t generate a whole lot of virality based on my follower base alone. I thought my meme was funny and relatable to college students, but I needed a little extra audience if I was going to make the campaign reach its goals.


Fortunately for me, Imgur is enough of a widely used platform that I was able to get near my engagement goal just by posting my content at the right time. The Imgur audience gave me a lot of the organic impressions I needed to reach my views goal. Twitter ads was also an effective method of boosting my views numbers. With an ad spend of just $5, I was able to generate 748 impressions of my web card and another 61 clicks on my image.

As I expected, promoting the content on my own wasn’t as successful. My own tweets generated a total of two additional link clinks to my image. During the campaign, I lost interest in marketing this way because it had been so unsuccessful. I think I could have generated more engagement by asking my friends to click the link, but I thought that would take away from how relatable the meme was.

Total Engagement

61 Twitter Engagements + 571 Imgur views = 632 Total Engagements

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