Hashtag Happenings

Upon viewing and analyzing the following six tweets, I found it extremely interesting how the tonality could differ so greatly despite the consistent hashtag. This reminded me of the class discussion about how analysis sites cannot decipher between positive and negative tonality when discussing a common word/phrase/hashtag/handle. This is why all tweets directed towards @RealDonaldTrump were taken into account within popularity polls, disregarding the many Tweets containing negative connotations. With the tweets below, I found it extremely interesting how, post-election, the hashtag #TimeForChange was being used by both Democrats and Republicans. Though the Trump-supporting folks were excited for change in the White House, Democrats took the hashtag as a platform for explaining how we need to change how we treat each other in society, especially regarding the changes that will be made under the next presidency.

Republicans using #TimeForChange:

Democrats using #TimeForChange:


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