How Many Impressions Have You Made?

At the beginning of the semester, I was not on Twitter and I had no idea what my Klout score was. I was not very active on other social media platforms, so my score was a 10. Now I’m a little more active and my Klout score is a little higher, 41. I believe posting with my voice and taste, with more frequency, is why my Klout score has risen.

Klout Measure

My Top Ten Tweets

1. #Shondaland is trending tweet even when it’s not Thursday. I posted this after the event but when #BlackWomenInHollywood was trending as well. Inspired by both hashtags, the engagement rate was 3.4% with 351 impressions.

2. The #changingkidslives tweet is at the top with the second highest impression number of 311 and an engagement rate of 1.6%. I used the trending hashtag as well as tweeted it at Steve Harvey while they were live.

3. In third is #UndergroundWGN, although I posted late that night, it was being premiered and they are 3 hours behind. I believe that is why it had 205 impressions, although the late hour resulted in 1.0% engagement rate.

4. #korosensei is based on an anime and although I’m not following many anime lovers yet, this #voice had 158 impressions and a 1.3% engagement rate. The late hour is when this anime lover herself is watching anime and although the hashtag isn’t, I believe the quote is quite philosophical.

5. Although #IRL has a lower impression, 143, than the previous tweets, its 2.1% engagement rate comes in second in the top five tweets. I believe the picture and #socialmedia helped the engagement rate here.

6. Coming in sixth is #blackish with an engagement rate of 2.9% and 140 impressions. I posted the night of the episode, however, it was a couple of hours rather than a couple of minutes after the show.

7. #SpringBreak was trending hashtag especially during Spring Break. However, Batman v Superman was trending when the movie was released the week after. Though the impressions came in at a low 131 because of the late hour post, it has the highest engagement rate of the top ten at 6.9%. I believe the statue of Batman plus the hashtag boosted the engagement rate.

8. In eighth is #Catsarebae with half the impressions but higher engagement than #catlover. I used a well-used hashtag and tweeted it at Trong, a major cat lover, during class.

9. Although #TOPSmrkt isn’t a trending hashtag and only brought in 123 impressions, the added gif helped bring in a 4.1% engagement rate. I believe posting it during the morning hours, closer to lunch, brought the impressions to that number.

10. In the top ten but in last place is #casting. Although posted during the early, I believe it was the lack of a visual that resulted in 109 impressions. Nevertheless, it had a 3.7% engagement rate that I believe was the result of #MoveWithHart.

I have learned so much during this semester. As I learn more about my voice, I hope my posts will continue to project me and hopefully good messages . I believe I will continue to improve using what I have learned this semester.


3 thoughts on “How Many Impressions Have You Made?

  1. So cool that your klout score rose so much! You should keep on tweeting because I loved the tweets that you chose for this blog post. amazing that you got 351 impressions on 1 tweet!

  2. It’s really great to see a Twitter newbie learn and grow so much. It really seems like your tweets got more engagement as you found your voice on Twitter.

  3. I love how we see a lot of yourself in your tweets! Not only does your voice stand out, but now your viewers can visually see you and put a face to a voice thanks to your selected media! Congrats on the rise in virality!

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