How Social Media Made Me A Kardashian

I remember the days of running home from school, logging into my AOL account and hearing “You’ve Got Mail!” Those days are long gone, but without a doubt I still experience the same urge to login into my social media accounts. Typing in my credentials on any social media platform grants me access to a personality that is unlike myself. Social media has the altered my identity, in ways that I may be confused with having Kardashian tendencies.

Fancy camera angles. Expensive clothes. Exclusive Jewelry. And places you wish you were.

To me, there are three different types of millennials on social media.


The Overly Opinionated Friend

These individuals are always on Facebook. They comment on every post, and instead of saying something brief and to the point, they leave an argumentative essay on why your claim is inaccurate. Typically, these are your old high school friends, after a few annoying post, these people are unfriended.


The News Reporter 

Social media has become the epicenter for breaking news. Instead of watching CNN or FOX News, I am usually on the discover tab of Snapchat or looking at the trending topics of Twitter.


The Pulitzer Prize Winner

Thanks to Instagram, everyone has the ability to snap a picture and share it. We are able to show what we’re eating at our favorite restaurants. Also, we are able to show our followers the unique places around the globe. Who would have thought that you don’t have to major in photography to be a photographer.


Just like the Kardashians, we either love or extremely hate these types of folks. However, no one can deny that social media has changed the world and they way we interact and communicate with each other.



Sebastian, Michael. “12 types of social media personalities.” 12 types of social media personalities. N.p., 29 Dec. 2013. Web. 28 Jan. 2017.

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