How to Improve Facebook

I remember begging my mom to let me have Facebook back when I was about ten years old. Facebook has been a place where we all have been able to connect for your years, keep updated on each others lives, and brag about our accomplishments. For some Facebook is a place to upload vacation pics, announce they got into college, and share funny videos that made them laugh. For others it is a place where they overshare and post about things that no one really needed to know. Recently Facebook has become a hub for politics and crisis around the world. Many people have spoken out against Facebook begging for a change. The workers of Facebook are now faced with a huge social responsibility to its users. It started as a fun space to share our lives and is now a tool we all need to keep updated on the world.

My advice for Facebook to become a place where people can trust them again is to make two separate news feeds. One for our funny pics and status about our lives. The other one where they highly filter the real news. On this new news feed they can have a new button where people can vote on whether it is real news or fake news. Facebook needs to start working with their users to rid out the fake news and content that is destroying our current society. On the normal newsfeed Facebook can go back to its roots and why it was created. By separating the two people can one get the content they want and two less people will be influenced by untrue content.

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