IMGUR Part II details

Imgur details for Part II

To complete Part II, copy the image link from IMGUR and paste into WordPress’s visual editor like you would a tweet. Here’s an example of the URL > You get to this link by going to your profile, then clicking the images tab (not the gallery tab).

If you hit “preview” in WordPress you should see the view count below your meme.

Kitten time

Read this section if you are having a glitch and seek to use the gallery image number >

Imgur has a weird glitch with it’s platform that sometimes presents two different view numbers for the same image. In this case, the gallery URL for your meme may not match the image URL,. Remember back to the lecture re the anatomy of a URL–this is why we study this and “read” URLs as they have info in them.

Here’s the gallery URL > If this URL is higher for some reason, you will need to embed the old way with code, which you can get from clicking the three dots on the bottom of the image and then pasting into the word press text editor.

This is a sample of the code:

<blockquote class=”imgur-embed-pub” lang=”en” data-id=”VXH0cur”><a href=”//”>Kitten time</a></blockquote><script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>


This is what it looks like when I’ve pasted the above code in the text editor:

Kitten time

This gallery URL will give you an embed link, and you can use this, but the views might be lower than the image views. I will count your engagement off of the Imgur meme link that you embed in this post; please make sure you include the one you would like me to use for the assignment.

Please feel free to Slack questions or come by office hours.

Can’t wait to see these!


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