Influencer Insight

This tweet above received 10 engagements! I achieved this level of engagement by drawing in my audience with a question. I tagged the professor and hash tagged a key group, #NHsmc, as well as #socialmedia to expand my audience.

This tweet above had 11 engagements because it discussed an issue close to many people’s hearts. Again, I found that asking a question was effective in receiving engagement. I also tagged the key group, letsfcancer, provided a link, and did key hash tags such as #fcancer and #NHsmc to tap into those audiences.

This tweet above had 23 engagements! Having a picture really helped expand my level of engagement. Key hash tags like #dance and #selfie also tapped into a wider audience. The use of an emoji here really added to the upbeat and fun tone of this tweet.

This tweet had 113 engagements. This is my tweet with the most engagements because it was a video and I used a key hash tag, #dancing. Because of this hashtag, my tweet was retweeted by a dancing account with thousands of followers.

This tweet received 49 engagements because polls are an effective way to make my audience engage. I used popular hashtags like #POTUS and #Election2016 to draw in those large audiences, as well as local hashtags, #SUPrez and #NHsmc to draw in the Syracuse University community. It received over 51 votes for this reason. It’s also important to note my use of emojis that help liven up the appearance of the poll.


I had 18 engagements on this tweet because I played to my main audience on Twitter, Syracuse University students. I tagged Syracuse and hash tagged #orangenation to engage the community. But the main reason this was effective was because I asked a question. I received several responses with people listing their favorite study spot!

Similar to the las tweet, I had 18 engagements on this one. I drew in the Syracuse Community by tagging them. My photos were vibrant and were enhanced by my use of proper fall emojis.

This tweet received 13 engagements. Again, a poll was a useful way to engage the community. I tapped into an ongoing local controversy by tagging SA, University Union, and Fetty Wap. I also added a link to a story from the Daily Orange to provide viewers with more information.

This tweet received 28 engagements. It was relevant and fun because it highlighted what was happening that day, the presidential debate. The emojis helped keep the tweet upbeat and patriotic, matching the image. I hash tagged key local groups to give my tweet a wider audience.

This tweet had my second most engagements with 59 engagements. This goes to show that videos received the most engagement of all of my tweets. A clever caption, unWINEding, and the use of the wine emoji also helped make this a fun tweet for people to engage with.


Overall, I am proud of my tweets this semester! I went from one follower, to 94, a 930% percent increase. I also went from a Klout score of 0 to a Klout score of 54, a 530% increase.

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