Influencer & Top 10


Throughout the duration of this course, my Twitter following grew from 174 followers on January 20th to 199 followers on April 20th. These 25 new followers vary from acquaintances and friends to accounts centered on subjects I tweet about. For example, several of the recent accounts following mine focus on fashion; these accounts started following me after I tweeted using several relevant fashion hashtags. During the periods of time when I wasn’t tweeting on a regular basis, my Twitter following would stagnate. Thus, in order to continue to grow my following, I will continue to take advantage of hashtags and will tweet more regularly. My Klout score increased from 16.98 in January to 19.36 on April 20th.

My Top 10 Tweets:


This tweet showcasing my front yard during a Syracuse winter garnered the most “likes” throughout the course, which I attribute to its relevance to my followers with connections to Syracuse as well as to my followers from home because of my reference to Texas.


By promoting the Girl Code Movement’s event, this tweet called to the members of the Syracuse community who also consider campus sexual assaults a problem our community must solve.


The “Throwback Thursday” hashtag is extremely popular across various social media platforms, as users enjoy engaging with past photos or posts. My followers responded to both the throwback and the subject of travel. While the tweet did not garner the most engagements overall, it garnered the highest engagement rate (16.8%) of all my tweets for the course.


As previously mentioned, my followers also enjoy fashion. Thus, this tweet was a way to reach out to our combined interest.


This promoted tweet received the most impressions overall because of the Twitter ads campaign.


Twitter Moments are the most trending and relevant topics of the day, and by clicking on the link my followers were able to access curated Tweets related to Prince’s sudden death.


The use of several hashtags raised the number of impressions, and the use of media has resulted in more engagements with my tweets.


As another form of media, the gif attracted engagement with the tweet.


As many of my followers are around the same age as me, graduation is a relevant topic of conversation. While the promoted tweet with the same link gained more impressions, this tweet resulted in more engagements with the link.


As another tweet with a form of media, this tweet also attracted more engagements than my non-media tweets.

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