Is Augmented Reality the Next Big Thing?

According to Reality Technologies, Augmented Reality is a technology superimposing computer-generated visual content over a user’s view of the environment in real time, which integrates digital information with the real-world environment. AR technology is applied to various areas like education, healthcare and retail, gradually changing people’s everyday life and how people perceive the world.

AR technology enhances user experience by integrating digital content into their real life scenario. You won’t get lost in Lowe’s again by using its AR shopping guide app; It only takes seconds to install different furniture virtually in your home by using IKEA AR catalogue; Your surroundings can be detected and augmented when chatting with friends through Snapchat World Lenses; HoloLens will give you a more interactive learning experience.

Big companies are aiming at AR. Apple, Alibaba, Google and Microsoft are all investing in this area. They believe that AR plays an important role in delivering better experience to consumers while making the interaction fun and expressive.

However, some people still have concern about this technology. When reality is augmented, brains participating in this process may be effected, causing new cognitive problems. There are also privacy concern and potential of social detachment when AR becomes widely used.

Augmented reality applications are on the cusp of becoming mainstream. The development of AR brings people more space to explore and express. AR will be huge so legal regulations related to it also need to be concerned to ensure people’s enhanced experience.

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