Is hoax just another word for prank?

Internet hoaxes are just what they sound like, a hoax. They are a form of media that stirs up buzz, often times creating a sense of fear or endangerment for internet users. In the moment, internet hoaxes are harmful as consumers drop everything to “protect themselves” from the deception going on, on social media sites such as the recent Instagram one. When celebrities believe them, it scares regular consumers and the media feed in turn, blows up with nervous users. But, following internet hoaxes, once consumers realize it was fake, it becomes harmless and turned into media content in the form of memes for entertainment. I believe that many times, people create internet hoaxes to stir up emotion around a certain idea or brand to market it and gain media attention. But that is not to say that consumers need to be aware of hoaxes because sometimes, they can be harmful causing consumers to reveal personal information to the public.

Internet hoaxes have been around for quite some time. I remember when I first got an email getting chain mail from my friends that threatened something bad to happen if I did not send the chain on. These chains and many hoaxes today are created by or aimed at children who just want a response from the public. For example, the “Momo Challenge” encourages kids to commit suicide and post a video of it on social media (Dreyfus). Children and inexperienced users are more susceptible to hoaxes as they’re unaware of proper internet safety.


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