Jeffree Star: Hero or Villain?

Due to the coronavirus’s immobilization of the American economy, celebrity Jeffree Star has donated money to those using #JeffreeStarApproved on Twitter through CashApp.

In order for the CashApp transaction to be possible, those requesting money like single mother Corina Duarte need to include their CashApp name in their tweets.

Sifting through tweets under this hashtag, Star then responds to those who he feels need it most desperately, like Duarte.

One $5,000 recipient Heather even took the time to thank Star for his generosity which saved her and her son from eviction.

On the other hand, however, some Twitter users are skeptical about Star’s true intentions for this money giveaway due to his apparent cover-up of a 2011 rape allegation between a fan and Star’s friend, alleged sexual assaulter Dahvie Vanity of the electronic music group Blood on the Dance Floor.

According to these Twitter users, Star began deleting old tweets addressing the 2011 scandal around the same time as he started his money giveaway.

Despite this controversy, however, Star is still responsible for helping many lives over the course of the coronavirus epidemic, and that shouldn’t go unnoticed.

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