JJ Dollar Sub Day: $1 Dollar Subs @ Jimmy Johns

Jimmy Johns is having a one dollar sub day and has a hashtag to promote it. On April 21st from 11:00am – 3:00pm, Jimmy Jimmy Johns subs will be $1. The hashtag is #JJDollarSubDay. Most people have shown their support and excitement for the day, but apparently some Twitter users expressed their disgust at the size and taste of the sandwiches. Interestingly, there is not many people using the hashtag, even though it is the same since the last time the company had a JJ Dollar Sub Day back in 2011. Here are some of those tweets, both from this recent announcement and from 2011’s:

4 thoughts on “JJ Dollar Sub Day: $1 Dollar Subs @ Jimmy Johns

  1. When I saw this hashtag tending I was so excited! Unfortunately I had to work and couldn’t make it to Jimmy Johns before 3pm. I wonder why some people weren’t satisfied with their sandwiches? Was it just because the stores were chaotic and they had to fill so many orders? Let’s hope this becomes a yearly thing so that we can all celebrate JJ Dollar Sub day.

  2. I actually participated in the $1 sub day this year. It was great, except for the fact I had to wait in line for 20 min. It would have been smart of the brand to incorporate the hashtag in some type of brand engagement or competition for consumers while they were waiting in line. Just a thought.

  3. Intertesting to follow the hashtag and see some of the tweets, especially the negative ones. Waiting in line plus a bad sandwich may not be the best way to get people to eat your food more. A $1 sub is still a pretty good deal though, interesting to see what people said.

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