My Top Tweets From the Semester!

Over the course of the semester, our homework has been to tweet. We’ve been given different Twitter tasks each week to better familiarize ourselves with the varying ways to promote our content and our get out tweets out there. From that, I’ve been able to collect my Top 10 Tweets from the semester, which you see below.

  • For this tweet, we were told to promote a link to content. We were then told to promote the same link again at the same time the next day but with a different tweet. I found that my first tweet that I sent out (this one) received more attention than the one the next day. I think this because at the time, this story was a very hot topic on the Syracuse University campus. Also, my tweet for the second day didn’t include the #sororityrevamp which I think played a big role in how many engagements and impressions I got.

  • It was just my luck that the day we needed to create a GIF was National Pizza Day. I love pizza a lot, and I know that there has been an upcoming trend with stop motion videos with food, so I figured I would give it a try with my GIF, and coming from a person who didn’t really tweet before, I was very impressed with the reaction I got.

  • We had to tweet while we were on Spring Break, but considering I wouldn’t have cell phone service and the wifi wasn’t that reliable, I had to do this before I left NY. I didn’t really know what to say for my tweet so I figured why not go with how I’m feeling in that moment. I also decided to include the hashtags because I thought that #springbreak would have a big following. I included #PuertoVallarta because it was where I was going and I figured that other people may have used that hashtag before so I could gain some more engagement on my tweet.

  • I have to be honest, I Instagramed this picture before I tweeted it. How could you not, though? It’s so pretty and colorful so I figured it should be shared on another social media platform to see what kind of attention it would receive. While it didn’t get quite as many impressions as other tweets of mine, I was happy that it got 13 total engagements.

  • This tweet was all about using a preexisting, trending hashtag, like #motivationmonday, #wednesdaywisdom, etc. I’m not an entirely motivational or inspirational person so I went the funny route…or so I hope. I knew Ellen DeGeneres always did a classic joke day, so I figured why not tweet my tweet to her as well and see what would happen.

  • Because this GIF did so well before, I decided to bring it back and use a hashtag that I created in my tweet. I was blown away by how many impressions and engagements and retweets I got. It’s also probably because I used #pizza, which is something that I always click on so I figured other people would too.

  • This Twitter Web Card was created for my Viral Content Challenge. Before I started to promote it on Twitter Ads, I was impressed to see how many impressions and engagements I was able to receive on my own before promotion. This is also the most engagements I’ve received. I figured the bright colors and the kind of whimsical, inspirational quote would entice people to click on my picture.

  • I retweeted a Periscope that I did with group members in class. The #PeanutButterJellyTime may have something to do with the amount of impressions I got, but it’s probably because I retweeted it from Professor Grygiel.

  • I know I had this tweet above, but this is the actual promoted content that I used for my Viral Content Challenge. Like I said above, I thought the bright colors and pictures of iconic places would make people click my link. This was the first time I got over 1,000 impressions on a tweet.

  • I have received more impressions on a couple of other tweets, but I chose this one because of the amount of engagements and likes I got. Some of my other tweets didn’t get any likes, but had a larger number of impressions. I used #thankful because I figured that around Thanksgiving time, people will tweet what they’re thankful for. While it is most definitely not Thanksgiving time, I believe that hashtag still has relevance in people’s lives and is still used daily.


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