Internet hoaxes are weird. They occupy our minds for maybe a week (if they’re lucky), and then they’re gone. Some people liken them to fake news, but to me they are even less than that. They are not trying to spread false information about a certain politician or get people to vote for a certain unqualified candidate, they are trying to make people look stupid. A perfect example of this is the recent Instagram hoax that had the internet going crazy.
Instagram says there's "no truth" to new hoax post, so don't share it
— CBS News (@CBSNews) August 22, 2019
Both Wired and Buzzfeed reported than more than 16 celebrities were pulled into a hoax that has been making the rounds on the internet since 2012. This hoax takes the form of a blurry screenshot detailing Instagram’s supposed changes to its privacy policy.
A List Of All The Celebrities That Fell For That Really Dumb Instagram Hoax
— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) August 22, 2019
Though this is an example of a hoax that didn’t hurt anyone, there are situations where they get more dangerous. Hoaxes are made to deceive people, rooting them in malicious intent as opposed to silliness. These hoaxes can be harmless or even helpful in certain situations, but some end up being harmful, which is why as a whole they don’t do anything for our society. Hoaxes can get people to turn over important personal information like social security numbers, they can make millions via wire scams, and they can ruin reputations (though with those many of the people deserve it.)
Why we still fall for these internet hoaxes that so often scream at us ‘THIS IS FAKE,’ I don’t know. What I do know is that it is quite amusing to watch so many celebrities be called out for their passion for such silly (fake) issues.