For tweet
1.This is my first time using Twitter and I follow some photographer on Twitter. I learn how to mention people, and I have no follower at this time. I know they will not follow me back because I did not post any photos I took on Twitter. The only way to get them follow back is to start to post some nice photos.
#FollowFriday #NHsmtp As a photography, follow photojournalists, ttye took a lot of awesome photos. @@labelledave @@maryfcalvert @@kirstenluce
— Jing Long (@jinglongomg) January 28, 2018
2.It is my first time to upload my photo on the twitter. I will post more photos I took on the Twitter because I hope to get the photographer follow back in the future.
#NHsmtp I had a nice trip with my friend in last winter and I just start to edit all the photos I took.
— Jing Long (@jinglongomg) January 28, 2018
3. It is my first time to retweet. It was a nice movie “shape of water” I watched the movie because I retweet. I hope to recommend the film to everyone who loves to watch the film. I enjoy the process of share.
I watched this film this Friday. excellent and beautiful! #NHsmtp
— Jing Long (@jinglongomg) January 28, 2018
4.It is the first time I using the “moment” It’s a good way to an organization a series of the tweets. I use it to write the comments on the documentary “Extremis.” After this post, I got two followers.
“documentary:"Extremis "”
— Jing Long (@jinglongomg) February 7, 2018
5.It is my first time to learn add the video on a tweet and the video can be creative.
#NHsmtp Today is Chinese Lunar New Year! Happy New Year! via @GIPHY
— Jing Long (@jinglongomg) February 15, 2018
6. It is my first time to add the gif, which is so funny. After this post, I got three followers, If I can redo it, I will add hashtags to get more attention.
#NHsmtp My life is all about hotpot
— Jing Long (@jinglongomg) February 22, 2018
7. I share the moment when I watched the Oscar with my friend and it’s the first time I use the hashtags, not just class hashtags. I got two more followers.
#NHsmtp #NHsmtp #Oscar enjoying! Excited!
— Jing Long (@jinglongomg) March 5, 2018
8. It is the first time I use the “flow” post by monitoring a trending topic stack in Tweetdeck
#IfIHadExtraTime I will adopt a cat. #NHsmtp #cat #adopt #shelterpet
— Jing Long (@jinglongomg) February 28, 2018
9.This post is my favorite one. I share the “remember me” during I watching the Oscar and share my life. I share my life with everyone who follows me.
Yes!mamacoco!!remember me….#AcademyAwards2018 #NHsmtp
— Jing Long (@jinglongomg) March 5, 2018
10. It is the first tweet that I mention a company—Regal movie. I just want to say thank you for them. And I thought a tweet is the best way to build a bridge between custom and company.
#NHsmtp Regal destiny movie Theater has Chinese movie Detective Chinatown, so excited! and thank you! @RegalMovies
— Jing Long (@jinglongomg) February 22, 2018
summary: I am new to Tweet part. I trying to insert the video, gif, and picture to my tweet. Also, I add the hashtags and get people’s attention. I mention the people and company’s name. That makes me feel like getting the connection with the company. I am not good at Twitter, but I use those skill on my ins. I add some hashtags to my picture and I get more likes and followers.