

With the election ending in such a shocking manner, it’s not surprising to see an uproar on Twitter. The hashtag #NotMyPresident began trending as soon as Trump won the presidency and grew stronger as protests spawned across the United States. It’s interesting to see how the hashtag was used though, because it doesn’t necessarily pinpoint one candidate in particular, (although 95% were targeted towards Trump). While the majority of tweets using the hashtag were used to bash Trump and his views, many people took to Twitter with a humorous angle while using the same hashtag. Some Trump supporters included Hillary Clinton memes and used #NotMyPresident as a way to celebrate Trumps victory and maybe even poke at Hillary supporters.

One thought on “#NotMyPresident

  1. This was the first hashtag that came to mind when we were assigned this project but due to what I like to call Trump-induced shock, I shied away. Glad to see 95% Tweets were anti Trump, but it’s definitely sad to see this kind of divide and uproar in the U.S. and I hope something miraculous happens that allows us to move forward and begin to be positive again.

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