Political Expert? I Think Not


I marketed my meme because many people get annoyed with all of the political discussion that takes place on social media. I believe this meme speaks to this annoyance and frustration of social media goers during the 2016 presidential election.

This election had me like…


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Overall, I ran a successful campaign that exceeded my goal of 40 engagements and 5 interactions such as likes or retweets. As seen above, I received 139 engagements via my Twitter campaign in addition to the 579 views on Imager, making my total engagement 718!

One successful aspect of my twitter campaign was creating a type of direct request. For example, I would say in some posts “Share if you agree.” Those posts got more engagement than ones that contained regular wording. Another important component was sharing my tweets in the morning. My tweets on November 3rd and 7th were both shared during this time and received more engagements than tweets posted later in the day. This goes to show that part of what didn’t work was sharing tweets with no direct request and sharing tweets at night.

Overall, I am very pleased with my campaign and found it to be a valuable learning experience!




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