As a person of color, I am heartbroken with the news that the officers who shot Alton Sterling won’t be convicted. I am once again having to console myself because another hashtag will be left trending without justice. The truth is I don’t know why I am still crying and trying to console myself. America has continuously shown us that they don’t care if justice is served for people of color.
I first saw Alton Sterling‘s fatal shooting came right before I saw Philando Castile‘s fatal shooting and I remember being traumatized. I remember thinking that my college-bound brother could be this man, my father could be this man, my best friends could be this man. I remember thinking any person of color could be this man but while many people in this country are feeling just as traumatized as I am with every shooting and conviction that isn’t pursued, there are many people still see a gangbanger in Alton and Philando. There are people who don’t see a human being in Alton Sterling. This country is divided between seeing people of color as human beings. Some only see twerkers and criminals. The tweets below reflect this division.
#AltonSterling's mother on the decision to not charge the officers that killed her son:
"All this was for nothing"
— Carlton Banksy (@rtyson82) May 3, 2017
I wonder if we will ever see a day when injustice is met with something more than official indifference. #AltonSterling
— Blair LM Kelley (@profblmkelley) May 2, 2017
At this point, I say WE start moving in packs, love one another more, build our community, & become one as Black people. #AltonSterling
— Ÿonrtè (@trillystonez) May 3, 2017
Stop making criminal thugs newsworthy #AltonSterling
#fireColbert (@ridesharingUSA) May 3, 2017
Funny how #AltonSterling has been on the trending list multiple times as well as mass media/public outrage but #HarrisonBrown… nothing..
— Jess Lynn
(@PunishedRabbit1) May 3, 2017
Keep crying over gangbangers and pedophiles. The pillars of your community
— Parriah
(@PariaPots) May 3, 2017