Part 2: Campaign Analysis

Objective: For my marketing plan, I had two objectives the first was to reach over 550 views on Imgur, the second was to get high rates of engagement on Twitter such as impressions, likes, and retweets.

My plan to achieve this was to reach my target audience, being college students and young adults as I felt this humor would be relevant to them. I hoped to really resonate with this target audience as it was released during fall holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving. I thought that many people my age love to indulge — but also often feel conflicted because they know they have future trips coming up such as winter break and spring break. I tried to make this humorous and use the extreme of spring break — unfortunately my meme did not succeed very well and I did not meet my goals.

I think my success was not achieved because I incorrectly promoted my tweet. If I had done so and realized this in a timely matter I believe that  I would’ve gotten a much better outcome and reach my personal goals for this viral challenge. I am frustrated with this error that resulted in a disappointing outcome that resulted in a lack of engagement via Twitter and Imgur.

Additionally, the tweets I had sent out via Tweetdeck did not bring in enough impressions to help achieve my goals. If I had scheduled more tweets — I believe my goals would have been better achieved.

Attached are the following expected details as posted in the rubric.

I received: 148 impressions during the 28 day period & 329 views on Imgur at the time I wrote this post.

Here are the links required:

Imgur Post

Twitter WebCard



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