Recap: A Semester of Tweets

When I began this class in January, I already had an existing Twitter account. In January, I had 182 followers and a Klout score of 20. As of April 20, I have 220 followers and a Klout score of 32. And my Sysomos MAP authority score is a 4 out of 10. I made good progress and I want to maintain that progress. I think what worked best was using Twitter regularly. Before this semester, my Twitter use was rather sporadic. Using rich media such as photos or gifs provided my Tweets with more engagement as well. Also, interacting with influencers or trending hashtags/events on Twitter allowed me to earn more engagement and impressions.

Here are my top ten tweets from the semester:

This tweet did particularly well because it had my beautiful face in it (haha). But seriously, the tweet had rich media (a picture) and it used a trending hashtag for this popular speaker event on campus. It earned 683 impressions, 22 engagements.

This hashtag was trending in Toronto so I decided to tweet about it because some Americans are unaware of this campaign in Canada. I added a screenshot of the website with the point to earn more engagement. The tweet received 572 impressions, 20 engagements.

Only one person retweeted/liked this post, but it still received 486 impressions and 17 engagements. The person who retweeted it has a substantial following so most of the engagement was probably thanks to her retweet.

Because I tagged Ethan Zuckerman this tweet earned a lot of impressions (388 impressions, 4 engagements).

This tweet received significant engagement (373 impressions, 28 engagements) and I think it had to do with the graphic I made. Twitter users want rich media after all.

For this tweet, Professor Grygiel asked us to interact with our most influential follower (I did not use the class hashtag because it would have been awkward). Anyway, Bob Pickard actually replied to this tweet, which earned 322 impressions, 23 engagements. Since I was engaging with an influencer on Twitter, the tweet was bound to pick up some traffic.

I only did one poll over the course of the semester, but it received significant engagement (227 impressions, 29 engagements). Moving forward, I will definitely do polls.

Rich media and a relevant piece of culture is always popular. Aside from the three likes, the tweet received 222 impressions, 14 engagements.

I think the relatability of the tweet is what produced quite a few likes, a retweet and a reply. It earned 211 impressions and 11 engagements.

This was the only tweet that used video and it received the least about of impressions, but I think it had to do with the fact that it was a tweet early on in the semester. It earned 197 impressions, 22 engagements.

Lastly, over the entire course of the semester (91 day period), my tweets earned 22.1 K impressions.

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