“So, what are we gonna’ do about the guns?”

After the horrific Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida, many people in the US have argued again whether #guncontrol laws are still too loose.

For example, people with a history of mental illness can still buy guns online because they don’t need to pass a background check. In most states, people can easily buy firearms at a gun show without being checked.

People against gun control say that there is a hidden agenda to make the United States defenseless. They believe that an interest group want to take advantage of them and bully them by force.

They are also afraid the U.S. will one day be invaded by another country. If gun control laws were tightened, people would not be able to defend themselves.

The NRA, a gun rights advocacy group, have suggested that teachers should be armed to help prevent mass shootings. However, Americans who support gun control argue that banning the use of all semi-automatic pistols is a step in the right direction.

They also argue that an armed teacher could cause harm to students by accident, and will contribute to the problem.

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