Social Media Influencer – Top 10 Tweets

324 impressions,Β Total engagements 17,Likes 10, profile clicks 4, retweets 2, detail expands 1

To execute this tweet we chose a cause that is always trending and with the help of my group we found another tweet and quote tweeted the amazing cause she was supporting. Along with trending hashtags we were able to get higher impressions and engagements.


Impressions 308, Total engagements 8, Link clicks 3, detail expands 2, retweets 1, likes 1 profile clicks 1

For this tweet I again picked a topic that was getting a lot of attention online, being Leo’s Oscar win. I feel that this got so many impressions because I added a link to a story and an image to get more attention.


Impressions 215, total engagements 26, detail expands 12, likes 6, link clicks 6, profile clicks 2

In executing this tweet I wanted to promote something by getting the attention by attaching Disney with the story about how characters at theme parks are now learning sign language. However I feel as if I could have gotten more engagement by providing a hashtag, picture of a character signing, or by even tweeting this at Disney.


Impressions 129, total engagements 6, likes 4, profile clicks 2

With this tweet I was attempting to get some positive vibes out there in the Newhouse world by congratulating my fellow ADV grad students. I feel as if I would have gotten some better engagement if I were to actually tag some of my classmates, which might entice them to retweet me and bring up my engagements.

Impressions 103, total engagements 5, likes 3, hashtag clicks 1, detail expands 1

With this tweet I was trying to hop on the ban wagon of the #motivationmonday hashtag. With this I was able to get a higher impression with other people who also might tweet this out weekly.

Impressions 87, total engagements 6, likes 3, detail expands 3

In this tweet execution I assumed that it might get a higher impression rate because there was so much hype in the area with SU making the final 4. However I think this is a perfect example of how we tend to think topics are trending more than they are but in fact they are only popular within our network.

Impressions 81, total engagements 2, likes 1, detail expands 1

In this tweet execution I was trying to get Adweek to tweet back at me about an advertising topic that I have heard a lot of buzz about, being holograms in advertising. While I didn’t receive a response I still was able to get some impressions potentially though my hashtags.

Impressions 70, total engagements 4, detail expands 3, likes 1

Again in this tweet I was trying to get engagement from Y&R however I am now realizing that I should have asked them a question instead of just telling them I appreciated their campaign. But at least they liked it so theres a plus!

Impressions 53, total engagements 5, media engagements 5

In this tweet I as assigned to tweet out a photo that would show up without getting cut off. I think I was able to do so successfully. While my impressions weren’t as high as some other tweets, it at least got some views.

Impressions 34, total engagements 1 likess 1

In executing this tweet I tried to spread the word about a topic that a lot of people, including myself, care about, being animal cruelty. In doing this I was able to get some impressions within a short time of posting (this assignment being done close to post date). I feel that due to the the heartwarming picture and the topic, this could get a lot more impressions.


In conclusion I feel that what has worked for me to get higher engagement and impression I have attached myself to trending topics or topics that people care about and put my own spin on it. If you do the same things that everyone else does it won’t make people care about what you’re saying. Also I’ve found that plain text doesn’t get that much engagement. To get one’s numbers up having a hashtag, picture, or a link can help. My Klout score is 28.

From the beginning of the course to the end, I feel as if I have grown in relation to social media. When I started I had no followers and no Klout score but now at least I’m on the grid in a positive way. πŸ™‚



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