Sysomos Social Analytics Dive: #HeForShe

After using the social analytics site, Sysomos, to listen in on the hashtag #HeForShe, our group came to learn much more about hashtag movements grow and flourish. HeForShe is a UN Women-sponsored solidarity movement, aimed at bridging the gender equality gap. Founded in September 2014, this organization’s mission is to bring gender equality everywhere around the world through primarily spreading conversations on social media.

(Recent #HeForShe Twitter Conversations, via Sysomos)

The HeForShe website claims to have been the subject of more than 2 billion social media conversations, and it’s easy to see why. From August 1st-August 31st, 2016, spikes in activity were palpable.

(Recent #HeForShe Twitter Activity, via Sysomos)

On August 12th, usage of the hashtag spiked due to just released campaign using #ShiftYourPersective to increase awareness of gender stereotypes. Then, on August 17th, Usain Bolt signed with the #HeForShe campaign. Later, on August 29th, British punk rock singer James McVey was featured in a campaign for #HeForShe that garnered a multitude of retweets and replies. In fact, the most retweeted tweet for this time span was the result of this partnership.

(Via Twitter)

(Via Sysomos)

Because the #HeForShe campaign was disseminated by the UN and meant for a global audience, the hashtag is popular around the world. However, it’s most used in India and the United States. This can be attributed to the increasing equality gap India is currently facing, and the fact that actress Emma Watson (a UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador for HeForShe) is very popular in the United States.

(Via Sysomos)

According to our Buzzgraph, equality, feminism and gender are the most talked about topics within the hashtag. These topics are all inherently linked to the overarching theme of the campaign, and seem fitting that they are also addressed in conversations.

(Via Sysomos)

Additionally, according to our Word Cloud, “stereotypes,” “choices,” “define” and “EmWatson” are all popular word choices. We found the usage of “define” interesting, but not surprising, because it shows that people are evaluating the hashtag to look for deeper meaning.

(Via Sysomos)

Overall, the results of our Sysomos dive were intriguing, and offered a unique perspective on social movements.

BY: Shelby Guller, Colleen Callander, Suzanne El-Nabli, Jocelyn Werle



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