The future of the Internet as we know it.

Currently, one of the most polarizing arguments is between the social media community and major telecommunications companies supported by politicians about net neutrality; a position passed in 2015 that bans Internet providers from discriminating on how broadband is used. The current debate stems from the Federal Trade Commission’s new plan for new regulations that support Internet service providers charging for certain websites and even controlling how long some websites take to load. This new regulation would change the way Internet, specifically social media, is used.

The hashtag  has been trending on Twitter with many people trying to educate others on the importance of this decision.

Although there is strong opposition to this proposition from consumers, politicians and the media have been supporting the proposition, due to the increase in revenue.

Social media has been a way for people around the world to join forces, spread ideas/news, and fight for their rights all through free speech. If social media becomes another commodity people have to pay for, we are limiting the amount of people that can contribute and these companies would ultimately be deciding what we see.


Make your voice heard. The vote is December 14th.

One thought on “The future of the Internet as we know it.

  1. As someone who has been following the news about the Net Neutrality issue recently but hasn’t really had the chance to look at the conversation on Twitter it was interesting to see the variety of tweets about this that you included in your post. It makes sense that those tweeting against Net Neutrality are those who work in government and media since they would be able to profit if it is abolished. Great post!

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