Ticketmaster’s Unethical New Policy

With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, many artists have cancelled or postponed their upcoming live shows.

As a result, ticket brokers have seen a decline in ticket purchases. However, Ticketmaster, a direct ticket seller, is also feeling this sting..

Due to this, Ticketmaster has chosen to quietly change its refund policy.

Previously, the company would offer refunds for events that were cancelled or postponed. Now, the new policy, as stated on Ticketmaster’s website, only allows refunds if an event is cancelled, meaning that you will not receive a refund if your event is postponed.

Many Ticketmaster customers have voiced their anger towards Ticketmaster on Twitter, even starting the hashtag #TicketmasterIsOverParty.

With this hashtag, many have used it to explain why they feel the new policy is inherently wrong due to the pandemic.

Though Ticketmaster has made this new policy prevent loss of money, it appears that many have stated they will no longer support the company, hurting the company after all.

Rather than show anger, some Twitter users have chosen to defend the company.

It is clear with the events that have been postponed and Ticketmaster’s new policy, many customers will be financially burdened, only furthering the detriment of COVID-19.

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