Viral Content #SnapchatFilter be like

For my viral content campaign, I decided to combined two things that most of the people love and enjoy: Snapchat and dogs.


  • Build engagement on twitter Web card ad that displays the Imgur “views”
  • Encourage sharing in different social media platforms (specially twitter, Facebook and Instagram)
  • Evoke positive emotions


This is my imgur image:



My twitter card and my Imgur image got more engagement than I expected.  The Imgur image got 485 views in total. Meanwhile as you can see in the image below, my twitter card got 56 total engagements and 338 views. The ad campaign helped me promote the card and the Imgur link. I only had $5 to spent and I spent $2 daily (which was a mistake because the campaign was exhausted in the first two days). However, Based on the campaign my three tweets promoting the card and tweet got in two days 1,147 impressions and an engagement rate of 4.36%.

I think that my campaign was successful because I used hashtags that targeted the audience I was interested on: #doglovers and people using #snapchatfilters. However, I think that I would have gotten much more engagements if I used the twitter ads money more wisely ($1 per day). Another issue was that my image wasn’t trendy at the moment; I didn’t get any re-tweet or sharing on Instagram or Facebook. I should have pick a topic that was seasonal or that talked about some issue that happens to people in their daily lives. This type of content is more engaging.

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