Why the #Juul is bad news

Whether it because it’s the new fad or because it’s all over the news, the Juul is all anyone is talking about these days. But is it harmful or helpful? The answer is complicated. It’s helpful when used properly, AKA as an alternative to those who are addicted to cigarettes and is not helpful when teens get their hands on it and use it as a gateway to nicotine addiction.

Like this tweet says, it is way too easy for kids to get their hands on Juuls and they don’t even get what they’re doing to themselves.

Along with this tweet, I think that with all the misuse, the Juul is causing more harm than good because we also don’t even know the long term effects!

With all the controversy among underage use, it was shown that Juul was trying to market to kids and was told to stop!

With all the misuse, there are people who are really benefiting from it! There are also people marketing it as a smoking alternative and not towards kids!

The Juul may have its benefits but it needs to work out its kinks before it can truly be positive!

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