How the #Olympics Won August’s Hashtag Race

Because of the worldwide prevalence of the 2016 Olympic Games that took place in Rio, Brazil in August, we decided to track the usage of #Olympics across various digital platforms, primarily Twitter. We immediately noticed the 15.9 million hashtag mentions on Twitter, with significantly lower numbers of mentions across blogs, forums, and news sources.

Latest Activity:

Latest Activity from 8/31/16

Even though the games ended on August 21, you can see here that people were still talking about it and using #Olympics 10 days after. The first tweet advertises a “Team USA” tee. The second tweet is in some relation to the #MTV #VMAs that was going on that week also. The third tweet uses #Olympics to promote excitement that baseball and softball are coming back to the games in 2020.

Most Retweet Tweet:

63,236 estimated retweets

48.9 million estimated impressions

@KhadiDon made a comical video of herself trying to do gymnastics while the commentators were introducing gymnast, Oksana Chusovitina.


Geography Search

From the geo search, tweets were very much global; however, there was a higher concentration in the United States, in comparison to other countries.

Word Cloud:

Word Cloud

The 2016 Rio Olympics generated a lot of talk around various topics. “Gold” is the medal that everyone strives for and generates the most talk out of the three medals in each sporting event. “Team USA” dominated the medal count. “Swimming” revolved a lot around Michael Phelps and his retirement after the games.


BuzzGraph of #Olympics

The BuzzGraph shows the different topics and sports that were talked about in relation to the Olympics. For example, different popular sports and events, including “Simone” Biles from gymnastics and “Simone” Manual from swimming.



Shelley Cheung, Emma Matteson, Alyssa Vasiliou

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