
#NYC you fuckin blew it!! #UpstateNY was #feelingthebern you let us fellow new yorker down… #NYPrimary #HillaryClinton — charlie camp (@coolhandschuck) April 22, 2016 It tickles me that Berners still insist that #Bernie has more "enthusiastic" voters and "momentum" after losing #NYPrimary — Jeanne K. (@SnarkAmendment) April 21, 2016 There's no enthusiasm for Hillary. Righhhhht. […]

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Top 10

Coming in at number 10, What was your favorite super bowl commercial? This one was up there for me #NHsmc https://t.co/vOmLplwGzr — Michael Barth (@Mwbarthsyr) February 8, 2016 This was part of the A/B testing assignment and this tweet was my B tweet. It was right after the Super Bowl and I found an ad […]

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90 days of Twitter growth

Over the past several months, my Twitter following has seen a lot of growth. I started COM 427: “Social Media for Communicators,” with just 16 followers. I am finishing the class with 91 followers and gaining every day. My Klout score increased from 16.11 to 34.95. I think this is due to a number of reasons. […]

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Top 10/Influencer

Over the course of the semester, my social presence grew. I went from 248 to 264 followers, and my Klout score rose from 33-40. If I could only take two things away from this class, I will always remember the importance of good hashtags, and making sure that more of my tweets have content in […]

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