Sliding Into Obscurity

Going viral is similar to the medical term “virus” because viruses infect one person who infects another person and vice versa. Going viral online means that the people who viewed a video, a photo, or in this class’s case, a meme, were infected by the meme and passed it along online because a person was […]

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Going Viral

This past week, I have been focused on the objective of reaching 500+ views on an original meme, which I had posted to Imgur… senioritis at its finest   The purpose of this meme was to target high school/college students, who understand what it’s like to struggle and be overwhelmed with schoolwork. College memes are […]

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The internet controls a lot of things nowadays, but most importantly, it controls relevance. Internet vitality not only implies a lot about who are and what you do, but it also says a lot about how relevant you are in the world— or at least the virtual world. So, when it came to brainstorming an […]

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A Career From Memes

Viral Content Challenge  Objectives My objective for this project was to design a creative meme that would still be able to connect with a wide audience. In order to do so I tried to make a relatable meme that would reach college kids. I set a goal of 500 views on Imgur because it seemed […]

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Viral Content Challenge

  In this viral content challenge, my objective was to effectively circulate my meme: and generate traffic and engagement on Twitter. In this campaign I found that posting at specific times were better than others and received more engagement. Due to the audience I was trying to reach, the later posted tweets did better than […]

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