At the humble beginning of the semester I had a whopping 162 followers, each one of which I was quite proud. But now after an entire semester of learning about how to do it right I have 208 followers, which is pretty cool.
Most consisted of personal friends and people I know from #InRealLife. But in learning about social media this semester I realized that Twitter is more useful as a professional tool for connecting with influential people in the music industry. So I started creating posts relating to real music industry issues and I started to gain followers in my field. How exciting!
Some great accounts hit me with a follow:
I’m passionate about many things, and I often tweeted not only about music but other topics like global warming and space exploration. I found that posting about things other than music doesn’t gain me any more followers, but reposting musical influencers, creating new content, and sharing articles and ideas about music was getting more followers and engagement. So in the future I’ll continue to post about these kinds of things and less about my other social causes. Being too general and liking too many things might mean that I have enriching conversations in real life, but it seems on Twitter thats less important. A clear focus seems best.
My progress this semester can also be measured by my Klout score. I started with a solid 25.89 on September 9th and now I have a 38.06 on Dec 7th.
The main growth day was Nov 11th, when I jumped from 29.94 to 38.66 in a single day.
This is a big problem. @twitter needs to fix this unicode issue because its #racist
— Jon Kane (@JonpKane) November 10, 2015
This was the only Tweet I posted on Nov 10th, so it must be what helped me jump to the next level. In analyzing this information the conclusion I can draw is that Klout cares that I care about social issues? Or maybe posting about music stuff all the time isn’t important enough to help grow my Twitter handle? Unsure about this but I’ll keep posting in the next few months about these types of things and I’ll see what REALLY makes a difference.
Quality music deserves to be heard.
— RAZR music (@RAZRteam) August 28, 2015
My follower was with the highest Klout score was RAZR music with a respectable 63, and posts a lot of content relating to how music creators can take their work to the next level via a lot of tips and technique articles.
Overall this was a great semester of learning and exploring the vast interconnected world of Twitter and social media. I learned what posts work well, what posts don’t, and the importance of Tweets with a lot of rich media. Nobody wants to read just text anymore, it’s all about pictures, links, videos, graphics, and engagement. I’ll be taking the tools I’ve added to my belt this semester into the real world in hopes of becoming a successful professional person.
I really like that you took your interest in music and used Twitter as a way to explore it further – whether it was through connections, conversations or related hashtags. To an outside party viewing your Twitter account, you quickly come across as a person with a niche passion, which is great on both a personal and professional level. With that said, I also enjoy your non-music-related posts, as it gives me a better idea of who you are as an individual, engagement aside. Nice job, and impressive Klout score!